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At Tenggrenplay, we're passionate about vacation care!
It's a time for more quality moments with our children, where OSHC services can create exciting days filled with themes, unique experiences, and of course, INCURSIONS.

Our purpose at Tenggrenplay is to deliver handcrafted, tailored, and exciting incursion activities that enhance the children-educator relationships and interactions. 

All of our incursions are designed to include children and educators interacting and playing together, fostering collaboration and fun.

Explore our selection of incursions below and download our complete incursions catalog for more details on each activity. Let's make your vacation care experience unforgettable with Tenggrenplay

Tenggrenplay Incursions

Tenggrenplay Incursion Enquiry

Interested in one of our incursions?

Make a quick enquiry and we will get back to you with an info pack on your chosen incursions!

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